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Lethbridge flowers and Lethbridge flower delivery since 1931

Spring Flowers MFS-75MDVASE-06A
Spring Flowers MFS-75MDVASE-06B
Spring Flowers MFS-75MDVASE-06C

Spring Flowers MFS-85MDVASE-06


  • Florists choice of colorful fresh cut flowers and miscellaneous filler flower and greens designed in a glass vase and finished with a bow.
  • Designer will choose vase from available inventory.

Make It Extra Special

Out of Town Delivery

Please select this out of town additional delivery charge if applicable and it will be added to our in town delivery fee of $13.50



  • Florists choice of colorful fresh cut flowers and miscellaneous filler flower and greens designed in a glass vase and finished with a bow.
  • Designer will choose vase from available inventory.